Atelier Annie Item Almanac: Contest Items and Recipes

1) Shop Sign
Store sign made during the first contest. I couldn't have made it if it wasn't for Pepe.

Acquired by: Synthesis

2) Island Map
Map made durin the 2nd contest. Use it to research where the resort can be made on the island.

Acquired by: Synthesis

3) Dolphin Pie
Dessert made during the 4th competition. I bought the recipe from Liese.

Acquired by: Synthesis

4) Contest Monument
A memorial made during the 6th contest. Its design is based off of a dolphin. I think it was made well.

Acquired by: Synthesis

5) Liese's Recipe
Liese's Dolphin recipe. This can be Sera Island's feature product!

6) Ancient Recipe
Recipe written in an ancient language. Melody might be able to read it.

7) Solved Recipe
Ancient recipes that include Cosmic Conis.