Atelier Annie Item Almanac: Status Effect Medicines

1) Skill Drop
Eye drops made from a special plant. You'll get to use your skills again.

Acquired by:Synthesis

2) Super Drop
A better version of SKill Drop. Anybody in your team will get to use their skills again.

Acquired by:Synthesis

3) Power Capsule
A medicine from nature. Take it and your will increase. Perfect for a weak girl like me!

Acquired by:Synthesis

4) Super Capsule
A power capsule with Mandora root. Take it and your attack will increase pretty high.

Acquired by:Synthesis

5) Iron Drink
A drink with iron in it. Doesn't taste good, but it does increase your defense.

Acquired by:Synthesis

6) Steel Drink
A drink with even more iron than Iron Drink. Increases your defense even higher, but also tastes worse.

Acquired by:Synthesis

7) Morning Tea
Tea made from morning drizzle. Increases magic attack. Let's you quickly defeat the enemy.

Acquired by:Synthesis

8) Nectar Dew
A divine tea made from morning drizzle. It increases magic attack significantly.

Acquired by:Synthesis

9) Resist Potion
A potion made from a Dragon with magical powers. Increases defense a little bit. It doesn't heal HP, so watch out.

Acquired by:Synthesis

10) Super Potion
A strengthened potion. Increases magic defense significantly. Doesn't heal HP, so watch out.

Acquired by:Synthesis

11) Globe
The world isn't flat? Use it to deal damage to a whole row. Medium damage.

Acquired by:Synthesis

12) Artistic Globe
I've expressed surprise in the form of art! Use it to deal huge damage to a wide range.

Acquired by:Synthesis

13) Prize Blitz
A ball that has the power of alchemy. Changes weak enemies to items.

Acquired by:Synthesis

14) Dark Blitz
A ball with dark powers. Use it to lower enemy speed and defense.

Acquired by:Synthesis

15) Punish Blitz
Torture rope. Use it to lower enemy speed and defense.

Acquired by:Synthesis

16) Primal Egg
The very first egg. Does medium damage to a wide range.

Acquired by:Synthesis

17) Celestial Alias
An item that looks like a celestial globe. It does huge damage to a wide range.

Acquired by:Synthesis

18) Pheromone Aroma
Perfume that is popular amongst aristocrats. It's so strong even monsters run from the smell.

19) Time Plate
A mysterious stone plate that can stop time. Use it on enemies to stop their movement!

Acquired by:Synthesis

20) Wind Orb
An orb that has the power of wind. Use it to increase your speed.

Acquired by:Synthesis

21) Speed Orb
An orb that is stronger than the Wind Orb. Increases speed by a lot.

Acquired by:Synthesis

22) Magical Pom Pom
A support item made from alchemy. Use this to increase your teammate's attack.

Acquired by:Synthesis

23) War Pom Pom
A stronger version of Magical Pom Pom. This increases your teammate's attack by a lot.

Acquired by:Synthesis

24) Magical Shield
A shield made from Shwer metal. Increases your defense.

Acquired by:Synthesis

25) War Shield
A stronger version of Magical Shield. Increases your defense.

Acquired by:Synthesis

26) Magical Flag
A flag that was made with alchemy. Use this to increase a teammate's speed by a little.

Acquired by:Synthesis

27) War Flag
A flag used to wave and cheer your team. Increases teammate's speed by a lot.

Acquired by:Synthesis