1) Magical Water
A magical water that glows. It's got special powers and can be used for alchemy.
Acquired by:Synthesis
2) Soul Water
An item made from World Soul and water.
Acquired by:Synthesis
3) Life Water
Water made from Phoenix Wing, and Athena Water. It's a liquid of youth.
Acquired by:Synthesis
4) Legend Water
Legendary water made from Life Water and Sinter. It's referred to as the ultimate hot springs.
Acquired by:Synthesis
5) Silver Water
Silver-colored water that contains many minerals. Ingredient for a drink.
Location:Ice Forest
6) Pure Spring
This water contains less minerals than normal water, so it's perfect for alchemy. It's nature's wonder.
Location:Basin, Cave
7) Morning Dew
Water gathered from drops of water on plants. It has mystical powers and is used in medicine.
Location:Lone Island, Cave
8) Mineral Fall
Water from a Basin. Has a lot minerals and it tastes good. Thank you Basin!